World's Happiest Countries, Where Does India Stand?

The Netherlands

Happiness score: 7.512

Overall rank: 4

Netherlands is known for its health care services provided to the citizens. Almost quarter of the country and its population live in low lying areas below sea level. The country is generally called as Holland.

In the year 2011, Netherlands was recognized as the Worlds Happiest countries. The government system is well known for its no corruption governance.

Netherlands is presently ranked 4 and has an overall happiness score 7.512.



Happiness score: 7.480

Overall rank: 5

Sweden is a Scandinavian country located in Europe. With a population of 96 lakhs the country is a perfect example for the way the country is administered. The country has excellent infrastructure and is low on corruption.

According to United Nations it has the lowest infant mortality rate in the world. Sweden was ranked 5 and collected an overall happiness score 7.480.  

According to a survey by the magazine TheEconomist “the Nordic countries are probably the best-governed in the world, with Sweden in first place.”