World's 10 Most Expensive Dog Breeds

#9 Tibetan Mastiff

The breed with a double coat and bushy tail was the most expensive dog ever sold in the history. “Big Splash” a Tibetan mastiff was bought by a Chinese businessman for a whooping price of 1.5 million dollars. These family of guardian dogs usually come within a price range of $2,200 - $7,000.

#8 Rottweiler

Rottweiler’s are well known for its intelligence, power and robustness. This breed is generally used as a police dog or service dog. In historic times these dogs were used as cattle headers. The protective and companion dogs usually is priced between $2,000 and $8,000. A Rottweiler needs to be trained right from its young age as they can be aggressive to strangers.

#7 English Bulldog

These gentle and chubby faced breed was used during 19th centaury in England and is also known as British bulldog. The breed usually costs between $2,500 and $9,000 and may exhibit courageousness and ferocious tenacity. English Bulldogs with their dwarf limbs have become one among the most wanted and expensive breeds in the world.
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