World Leaders And Their Views At Davos 2013

Arianna Huffington

Greek-American author, Arianna Huffington was also one of the important leaders in the World Economic Forum Meet 2013 at Davos.

She is more popular for her news website, ‘The Huffington Post’.

She also talked on several issues to develop the world economy while she was speaking on a session called ‘Will Washington Work?’.

Chanda Kochhar

The MD of the ICICI Bank, Chanda Kochhar represented the India Inc at the WEF meet at davos.

In an interview, she said: "With inflation easing, I think that we would see policy rate cuts in the coming months,"

She also said: "The RBI has also been taking steps to ensure that liquidity is made available in the system. Wholesale term deposit costs for banks have also eased in the last few months."

Nouriel Roubini

Nouriel Roubini, an American economist, was one of the speakers in the WEF Meet in Davos 2013.

As reported by ‘Bloomberg’, Mr. Roubini said: “The biggest developing nations risk overturning the achievements of the past decade by increasing the state's role in the economy.”

He also said that countries like Brazil, Russia, India and China have been moving away from market economies recently.

Anand Mahindra

The Chairman and the Managing Director of ‘Mahindra & Mahindra’ also represent the India Inc at the Davos Meet 2013.

He expressed his dislike for "regulated autocratic economy" in the annual meet. He also said that business people need not always look for certainty.

"We are taught to deal with uncertainty. A regulated autocratic economy that look for certainty and I don't want to be part of that," Mahindra said at the World Economic Forum.

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