Wipro Kicks Off 'Applife Contest 2013' For Engineering Students

The year 2012 saw over 2000 students register for the contest. The 6–month long contest involved over 30 hours of training by mentors from Wipro’s mobility training academy and 45 collective hours of coding by the students. A total of 25 apps were conceptualized and developed at the end of the contest, and some of the apps created were considered for real-time application development among customers. In a shared first place, Saranath KJ from Velammel College of Engineering and Parathasarathy Nagarajan of AIHT were crowned as the Wipro AppLife Coders for 2012, for developing apps in the areas of Google maps and Memory booster. Mayank Diwakar from BSMIT and Prashant Jain from GLA University, whose apps were centered on gaming and ticket reservations, came in a close second and third place.

The contest is open to all final and pre-final year students of Wipro accredited engineering colleges and all offered candidates across India. The students of these colleges are expected to register online to download a software development kit necessary for them to participate and develop mobile applications for any smart phone and tablet.

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