White House Becomes Venue for 'Yoga Garden'

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 01 April 2013, 23:00 IST
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But, the White House is trying to spread awareness about the practice of yoga since they are greatly concerned about the decrease observed in the overall well-being of the nation and its increasing healthcare bill.

Leah Cullis, a certified yoga teacher will be in charge of yoga garden. "The mission of the event is to share ways where families and children can use simple tools for an active lifestyle — tools that require no props and no money and which they can go home and do it themselves," Cullis told TOI.

The white House recently came up with a Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA), which intends to encourage Americans to make physical activity and healthy eating part of their daily routine.

"Yoga has become a universal language of spiritual exercise in the United States, crossing many lines of religion and cultures," the White House said. "Every day, millions of people practice yoga to improve their health and overall well-being. That's why we're encouraging everyone to take part in PALA, so show your support for yoga and answer the challenge."