What to Expect from Microsoft in 2012

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 28 December 2011, 02:37 IST
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Windows phone reaching the third place:

According to Harry McCracken, Founder and Editor of Technologizer, Nokia could be capable of building a sleek and capable device that flatters the great software that the Windows 7.5 Mango OS is. The OS has further received applaud for its animation and app integration, with about 40,000 third-party apps to its credit in about a year.


Pressing charges for patents:

Microsoft so far has been able to persuade Android handset manufacturers such as HTC and Wistron to pay up instead of having to meet the conglomerate in court. Microsoft alleges that the Android mobile operating system violates the patents filed and granted to it earlier. Next year, Microsoft’s suit against Barnes&Noble will be taking up the spotlight as the Nook e-reader uses the Android OS.