What if India and China Collaborate?

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 07 December 2011, 00:54 IST   |    7 Comments
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Bangalore: "India, China bhai bhai," a slogan that we hardly consider and think about acutely. How many of us have even thought of the two Asian giants coming together? If one is a hare, the other is a tortoise. The only thing that can unite them would be their common challenges. Otherwise the two fast-growing nations are often the topic of discussion for competition, comparisons and contrast. The amazing race between the two has always made us curious- what if the two economic power houses come together?
India and China
For centuries India and China maintained peace and were brotherly neighbors. But the intrusion of the colonial powers in 1914 drew the McMahon Line ruptured their peace and destroyed their tranquility. Both Nations were dragged to the battle field. Leaders of both nations declared war in 1962 which ended up India getting thrashed by China leaving behind deep psychological scars. As time passed, both countries had to repair themselves from war which got them busy fixing their crippled economies. But nothing was forgotten or forgiven. The line of McMahon still separates them as the fastest and second fastest economy but has not stopped them from resting their daggers. A United Nations intelligence report titled Mapping the Global Future by 2020 mentions that the likely emergence of China and India as new global players is similar to that of the rise of Germany in 19th century and United States in the 20th century. The rising powers will be great catalytic factors for the transformation of geopolitical landscape with impacts as powerful as the previous two centuries. Large population, expanding military capabilities, promotion of high technologies and sustained high economic growth will be the foremost root reasons for rapid rise in economic and political power for both countries. China stands as a giant with an economy of $5 trillion whereas India stands at $1.25 trillion. India currently lags behind China on most economic measures but most economists believe India will also sustain high levels of economic growth. Bottom line, what will happen when Asian giants collaborate?

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