War of Words of India's Political Biggies

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 11 January 2012, 23:04 IST   |    2 Comments
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Anna vs Digvijay: Congress General Secretary, Digvijay Singh made attacks on Anna and his team through a micro-blogging website Twitter. He said “Anna won't speak a word against the BJP and RSS. Would Anna force BJP and do a Dharna in front of Advaniji's residence and tell them not to oppose Lokpal Bill in Rajya Sabha(Sic).” He also added “Team Anna and their foul mouthed People would still hurl abuses at Congress PM and CP. Reason- Team Anna a front for BJP/RSS (sic).” Singh sought to know from Anna and his team as to why they had not reacted against the BJP which prevented the Lokpal from getting a Constitutional body status in the Lower House. Singh also made fun of the media and Team Anna over claims of having a mass supporter base. He said “Media claimed Anna has the support of 120 crore people. Where are they? Would media please correct their estimates?” as reported by ZeeNews.com.