Unknown Facts About 15 Richest Tech Titans

#10 Paul Allen

Net worth: $14.2 billion

Company: Microsoft (co-founder)

“Here's what the death knell for the personal computer will sound like: Mainly I use my phone, but I still use my PC to write long e-mails and documents. Most people aren't there yet, but that's where we're headed”

Paul Allen is the one who came up with the name “Micro-soft” and spearheaded a deal with IBM for DOS in 1980. This contract was the foundation upon which the company grew to the tech giant we know it to be today.

#9 Steve Ballmer

Net worth: $15.7 billion

Company: Microsoft (CEO)

“I've got my kids brainwashed: You don't use Google, and you don't use an iPod.”

Steve Balmer is widely known for his outrageous comments against Apple and Google. He is known in the internet world as an overly excited man. There are many viral videos on the web dedicated to this man, one widely circulated video, captured at a developers' conference, features a perspiring Ballmer chanting the word "developers".

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