Twitter's Major Landmarks in 2011

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 28 December 2011, 01:52 IST
Printer Print Email Email adds content from Amazon, Foursquare, Meetup & More: In June, new social tools like AOL video, Foursquare, Amazon Meetup, Plancast and Gowalla were integrated with, allowing the users to access more multimedia content without having to leave the site. Twitter is in the process of rolling out more integration for the future.

Twitter surpasses 200 million tweets per Day: In June again, Twitter users made a mark as users sent 200 million tweets per day. As per calculations, 200 million tweets per day would be enough to write a 10 million page book or 8,163 copies of War and Peace. 2,400 tweets were sent every second through Twitter’s servers, enough for 1.4 billion tweets per week. Twitter had surpassed the 50 million tweets per day record in 2010.

Twitter valued at $7 billion: Twitter’s value doubled from $3.7 billion in December 2010 to $7 billion in July 2011, says a report from Wall Street Journal. The increase in valuation was credited to the growing number of revenue streams. It was seen that Twitter introduced promoted tweets and trends last year, which proved to be the company’s first notable revenue source