Top 10 Least Happy Countries in the World

BANGALORE: Many nations though are home to some of the world’s most spectacular place, the reality of life in some of these places is far from rosy. High inflation, unemployment, high interest rates and falling GDP per capita are creating havoc in economies across the world.
The Cato Institute, a U.S. think tank based in Washington D.C., has assigned 90 different countries with a "misery index", based on unemployment figures, lending and inflation rates, minus the percentage change in the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita. Here are the top ten most miserable countries as listed by the index. Unfortunately, India came up in the 21st spot in the list.

Greece: The popular holiday destination, Greece with a misery index of 36.4 is the tenth most miserable nation in the world. This is mainly attributed to the high unemployment rate prevailing in this country.

It is the global financial crisis that has dramatically hit Greece, where the unemployment rate is now at 27.3 percent, one of the highest in Europe and is expected to rise 28 percent in the coming years. The figure is twice as high among the youth.
In a country of 11 million people, the economy lost more than a million jobs as businesses shut their doors or fired staff. Since the beginning of recession, not just unemployment but even suicides also have risen frantically in Greece in the last four years.

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