These Indian Cities have The Highest Car Population

Bangalore: The spike rises in the petrol and fuel price seems to have barely affected the four wheeler fanatics of the country. Even with roads getting more and more cramped due to the increasing crowd in the cities, the rich are not hesitating from buying more than one car per family.

A country with one of the largest appetites for cars designed for families, India is one of the most profitable markets for all types of cars. MapsofIndia has compiled a list of the cities and town of the country with the highest population of cars per person.

Check out cities that top the list of most cars per person.

10. Thiruvananthapuram

State: Kerala

Cars/Population of 1000: 32

The capital city of Kerala stretches across 214.86 sq km. the population of more than quarter of a million drives past the busy streets in the cars. One of the most literate cities across the world, Thiruvananthapuram is gradually closing on to become the next tech hub of the country.