The Untold Stories of Modern Social Activists

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 25 August 2011, 03:35 IST   |    28 Comments
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Swami Nigamananda
Swamy Nigamananda died for river Ganges
More than 100 days of fasting for a cause that is common for all - a desperate attempt to save the river Ganges, the result of which was death for Swamy Nigamananda. He fought to put an end to the illegal mining and stone crushing along the Ganga near Haridwar but the pitiless media indifference made his protest a low-profile one and he could make it to the news only with his death. The 34-year-old noble fighter began his fast on February 19 of this year and was forcibly moved to a hospital in the month of April as his condition worsened. He was later transferred to another hospital where he went into a coma and a few days later he breathed his last breath. This is a perfect example of the media culture which celebrated the death of a just man but not his cause for which he laid down his life.