The 10 Most Significant Contributors to Medical Sciences

3. Louis Pasteur

Louis Pasteur is well known for his discovery of vaccines for rabies and anthrax contributing plenty to the humanity. This French microbiologist also invented the technique called pasteurization to make water and milk free from diseases causing germs. 

2. Ian Wilmut

Wilmut was the first person to create a clone of a sheep in 1996, named as dolly. The English embryologist created the exact replica of another sheep from somatic cells by cloning technique. Cloning is far and wide used to reproduce stem cells and multiplication of animals by farmers.

1.  James Watson and Francis Crick

The discovery of DNA (Deoxyribo nucleic acid) in 1955 was a giant leap in the field of genetics. Watson and crick were successful in explaining the double helical structure of DNA which encrypted the genetic information for the functioning and development of all living organisms. Their contributions are regarded as the greatest ones in the medical field.
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