Terrorism, A Part of Pakistan's GDP

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 20 September 2011, 23:16 IST
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Around 6.6percent of Pakistan's GDP Goes to Terror India has been the major target of these terror groups for many years now. An Indian expert recently revealed that around 264 billion of Pakistan's Gross Domestic Product (ironically fed in by U.S.) is towards assisting various terror groups. The President of Strategic Foresight Group (SFG) Sundeep Waslekar said Pakistan over the years spent a shocking 6.6percent of its annual GDP for sponsoring terrorism in India.
The SFG has made certain calculations on the amount spent on armaments and their sustenance. 24 billion was spent on ISI's own upkeep for managing these terror groups. Accounting was also carried out for their share in the poppy cultivation business in Afghanistan. There is also a hidden share of ISI's involvement in Pakistan's black economy. All this added to 6.6percent of GDP with the figure remaining more or less the same in the last decade, revealed an SFG study.