Technology's Biggest Broken Promises

# 12 IBM PCjr

The rumors that spread before the launch of PCjr even became a nightmare for many of the PC manufacturers. The new addition, happened in 1983, claimed of bringing computing to masses. The company also had declared that the product had no limitation regarding its design.

Later, it was the very design that led PCjr to its grave. The $800 worth PCjr’s chiclet keyboard had only 62 keys on it. Limited memory was the next shortcoming of the device. Following this failure a number of inventions piled up against PCjr most noted among them being Apple Macintosh launched in 1984. Then in 1985 IBM had to kill the line.

# 11 Apple Newton MessagePad  

Apple Newton MessagePad was popularly known by the name of its operating system, “Newton”. By the introduction of this innovation the line of Apple handhelds set out to the market. They were competent enough to revolutionize computing with their touch-screen and handwriting-recognition software.

 But the technology was so bad in the debut models worth $700. The handwriting recognition vastly improved with later models. But the company had to discontinue the Newton in 1998.