Six Things to Know about the 'Facebook IPO' Tour

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 03 February 2012, 00:48 IST
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What will the User see?

"Their internal slogan is: 'Facebook's only 1% finished'," says Nate Elliott, a principal analyst focusing on interactive marketing at Forrester Research. "We will continue to see changes in Facebook between now and when they go public – and after. I don't think any of those changes will be a function of the IPO." This states that the innovations will continue to happen and users will be more satisfied and the IPO crown will not change anything from the user’s point of view.


Like same old or something new?

As a public company, anything which Facebook does will be viewed by analysts to understand how the company is hitting the bottom line and the best way to hit the bottom line by targeting the advertisements. Catherine Tucker, a marketing and IT professor at MIT's Sloan School of Management, expects Facebook to ramp up what she calls "social advertising" efforts, where ads are served up to users based on their friends' preferences. For instance, if I "Like" Whole Foods on Facebook, you, as my friend, are presumed to harbour a preference for organic food as well – hence you are more likely to see a Whole Foods advertisement when you log on.