Movies by Indian-American Filmmakers at LA Asian Pacific Film Festival

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 25 April 2013, 18:54 IST
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(United States, 2013) 


Dir.: Jason DaSilva

WHEN I WALK is the moving documentation of Jason's life as he turns from a healthy, strong, creative, and happy young man to a strong, creative, happy, and loving husband. With the support of his family and the unexpected encounter of a woman he quickly votes to share his life with, Jason embodies an inspiring willingness to pursue his dreams; some of them he is able to realize, others he slowly learns to let go of. The film itself is a project dear to him and as his physical mobility is more and more limited, close ones join to help him finish it. In this, the documentary is not just a capturing film about the filmmaker's life; it is the product of labor, passion, and also frustration to live with an uncurable disease; and it becomes the living memory of an inspiring human being and his deeply caring environment. As the protagonist on his journeys to India, France, Canada, and throughout the U.S. to find a resolution, so do we constantly wait for that miracle of healing that, perhaps, is not as far as one might think at first.

Interspersed with illuminating animated sequences, DaSilva offers an insight into those spheres that the mere eye cannot see. How does it feel to lose a body, and to reappropriate it day by day? In which way is one's family planning and the wish for a child affected by MS? A hit at this year's Sundance Film Festival, WHEN I WALK is a film about the humbling strength, the ties that bind, and the wonders of human life that you should not miss.