Most Bizarre Wedding Venues

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 18 February 2012, 02:55 IST   |    1 Comments
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Outside a plane

We can imagine tying the knot inside the plane, but how about outside? A British couple became part of history by being the first ones to get married outside a plane, who were strapped to the wing of the plane. The groom, bride and vicar were strapped to three different planes. The couple responded to the vows read out by the vicar with the help of a microphone, as it was difficult for them to hear each other. Weddings of similar kind did happen earlier in Britain. Minister George Bingham married in almost a similar circumstance, with more than 100 guests watching the ceremony from the ground.

On top of Mount Everest

Pem Dorjee and Moni Mulepati, a Nepalese couple made it to the top of Mount Everest to get married. But the surprising thing was that till the last moment they didn’t reveal their plan to everyone. They kept everything as a secret as they were not sure whether their plan will really work. They spent just 10 minutes at the peak and took of their oxygen mask for a while to exchange vows .Many other couples tried to make history by marrying on top of Everest, but none of them were quite successful.