Mobile Browser Wars

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 14 September 2011, 22:18 IST   |    4 Comments
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Mobile Safari vs Opera Mini Opera Mini for iPhone is a faster browser than mobile Safari. But Opera also lacks some key features that Safari has, such as the ability to mail a Web page, create a home screen shortcut for a Web app, and the use of pinch-to-zoom. However, Opera has some of its own features that Safari could incorporate, too, including the ability to search for keywords in a Web page, a better approach to tabbed browsing, image quality settings, and Speed Dial.
Mobile Safari vs. Opera Mini
While Opera Mini features seriously impressive speed, it's still behind Mobile Safari on several levels, some of its disadvantages are due to Safari's advantaged position as the system default on the iPhone platform. However, notice the considerably faster page loads when you're using Opera Mini, and with the web, speed is everything. If Opera could keep the speed and fix some of the rough edges, it could be really impressive. Keeping speed aside, use Opera Mini will miss the smooth zooming of Mobile Safari and the nice font rendering.