Meet The Next Generation Of Trendsetters From The Most Innovative Companies

2. Timothy Young

     Unbelievable! A multimillionaire at the age of 30- - Timothy Young, is the vice president for social enterprise a part of company VMware. At the age of 29 he became the founder of two start-ups among them one was an application for making web-page called and second email alternate called Socialcast. Young said: "The cloud, mobile computing, and social networking are changing employee behaviors. VMware wants to take the approach it applied to computing power and bring efficiencies to enable a new way to work." His future plans include building a cloud computing infrastructure business and cloud foundry.

3. Phoong Tang
Company: Monsanto

   Phoong Tang is the first women to be listed under the list.  At the age of 38 she became the leader in global cotton and specialty crop technology and in addition to that she is one among the 15 employees of technology leadership team in Monsanto which is worth $13.5 billion.By 2030 when she gets a approval  for her two new products that are yet to be released in the market, she is planning to double Monsanto’s crop yields and also to reduce its inputs by one third.

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