Largest Underwater Volcanoes

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 26 November 2011, 01:24 IST
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South Pacific – Vailulu’u

Beneath the waves of the South Pacific lies a volcanic realm. It sits within the crater of a gigantic underwater mountain rising more than 4,500 meters (15,000 feet) from the ocean floor near the island of Samoa. The seamount, called Vailulu'u, is an active volcano, with a 2 mile wide (3.2 kilometer wide) crater.

The volcano rises up more than 16,400 feet from the seabed to within 2,000 feet of the ocean's surface. It is located 45 km east of Ta'u, the easternmost island of the Samoan chain. Vailulu'u is the youngest volcano in the Samoan volcanic chain and it contains an active hydrothermal system.

The volcano's base lies in 4800 m of water and summit is 590 m deep. The total volume of the volcano is 1050 cubic kilometer.