Largest Underwater Volcanoes

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 26 November 2011, 01:18 IST
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Brothers volcano, New Zealand

Brothers is an active submarine caldera volcano in the Kermadec Arc, 400 km north east of White Island. It is an oval shape about 13 kilometer long and 8 kilometer wide. The 3 kilometer wide summit caldera has very steep walls 300-500 metres high.

The caldera floor is 1850m below sea level, and has a 350 meter high dome within it. The eruptive history, including that of any recent eruptions is still unknown. The crater walls reveal layers of dacite lava flows from which a later eruption has blown out a caldera.

Undersea volcanoes are not monitored by GNS Science, however they are a focus of current exploration. The spectacular minerals and marine life found around active undersea volcanoes may have economic and biotechnology benefits for New Zealand.