Is WikiLeaks Nearing its Death Bed?

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 08 November 2011, 02:18 IST   |    8 Comments
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It all seemed like a conspiracy, a well-executed plot to kill the whistleblower website. What else can this story tell us when the entire world cannot find a channel through which a person could support WikiLeaks?
Do these new development mean a death foretold forWikiLeaks? "It is hard to tell, but it seems that WikiLeaks is reaching a critical juncture. Whistle blowing sites like WikiLeaks rely upon whistleblowers to feel safe and secure when releasing their data. Having the head of the organization on the front page of major newspapers around the world hardly inspires confidence in terms of anonymity. So, things do not look good. Should WikiLeaks go under, I would consider it to be a major loss for the cause of transparency and accountability. The media - particularly in the U.S. - have been deficient in their coverage of events in Afghanistan and Iraq, and WikiLeaks have, in my opinion, done the global community a great service in exposing the mechanisms of power. We supposedly live in democracies, and, as such, we need to be aware of the things done in the name of democracy. In fact, we must be made aware," Christensen said. However, the Legal Director at the National Whistleblowers Center, Mr. Renner believes that whistleblowers will continue to have options about how to raise their concerns and said the National Whistleblowers Center will continue to operate its Attorney Referral Service for those who make submissions through its confidential reporting system. "I don't think so, and if yes, there will be others stepping in. Experience shows that the truth will always find a way to surface. Sooner or later," Fink firmly believes.