Is Bollywood a Hate Quotient now?

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 14 January 2012, 02:06 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bollywood movies create an impression that there is scarcity of clothes in India. The length of clothes female actors wear is getting less and less with every film. If this is the condition then it won’t take much time for the female actors in Bollywood to cross Hollywood stars. The item dances portray females vulgarly, half naked. Obscenity and vulgarity has become two unavoidable elements in Bollywood.



Every half an hour, one can see the actors singing and dancing, irrespective of the fact whether the song is really needed at that particular point of the story. There will be an average of 5-6 lengthy songs which take up half the time of the entire film. The songs will be filled with back-up dancers and in most of the songs there will be an average of 50-60 dancers behind the hero/heroine.