Indians Lose Millions of Productive Years to Cancer

As accounted by IARC radiations from cellphones could cause cancer which made WHO to list it in the carcinogenic category. The cancers caused by infection which contributed for the entire DALYs was high in eastern Asia with 27 percent and in sub- Saharan Africa with 25 percent in the overall cancer scene.

Death by cancer has been estimated to 7.6 million in 2008 globally. With the increased awareness and technological advances in cancer research and cure, along with cancer prevention, its early detection, diagnosis and treatment had brought the mortality rate down in certain developed countries. With the advancements in medical research the life expectancy has increased and this has made cancer the global burden. There are speculations made that the number of cancer cases will increase to 21.4 million in 2030 as per the report.

The fight against cancer is a long road to stalk, whether there can be a complete cure for it or not is hard to say. However the concern that manifest is that with cancer the deterioration in health and moral is the expected but it’s important to be practical at dealing with it. Measures are considered to make cancer easier to accept and live with. Motivation is the key and as said by Olivia Newton-John “My cancer scare changed my life.  I'm grateful for every new, healthy day I have. It has helped me prioritize my life”. It important to have a positive view in life to be able to deal with the days spent in the company of cancer.

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