Indians Denied U.S .L-1 Visa More Than Others: Report

Wednesday, 02 April 2014, 01:23 IST
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USCIS did not release country-specific data for FY 2012 and FY 2013 but interviews with employers and attorneys indicate that problems with receiving approvals for L-1B petitions involving Indian nationals have continued, it said.

"Preventing companies from transferring their own employees into the U.S. discourages job creation, innovation and investment from taking place in America," said Stuart Anderson, NFAP executive director.

According to the report, the continuing high rate of denials and requests for evidence for L-1B petitions has a negative impact on the ability of companies to make products and services in the US and compete globally.

"It is very difficult for companies to make business decisions when there is so much uncertainty in the L-1 visa process," said Lynden Melmed, partner, Berry Appleman & Leiden and former chief counsel at USCIS.

"A company is going to be unwilling to invest in a manufacturing facility in the U.S. if it does not know whether it can bring its own employees into the country to ensure its success," he added.

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Source: PTI