Indian-American Business Group Endorses New Jersey Governor

Friday, 01 November 2013, 23:11 IST
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Christie, wife Mary Pat and son Andrew - a student at Princeton - greeted dozens of Indian-American supporters at Chowpatty, one of the many Indian restaurants on the stretch of Oak Tree that runs through the Iselin section of Woodbridge, said.

The largest swath of New Jersey's Indian-American community lives in the area: Of the 200,000 people who reside in Edison and Woodbridge, 50,000 are Indian-American, according to 2010 census numbers, the website said.

Christie's visit came a day after his Democratic challenger Buono appeared in Edison to introduce the first-ever South Asian-American caucus to the state Democratic Party, designed to give voice to the New Jersey's Indian-Americans.

Democratic state assemblyman Upendra Chivukula, according to, called the caucus "a historic milestone in the political evolution of the South-Asian community and a victory for the state's Democratic Party."

Polls show Christie leading Buono by more than 20 percentage points.

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Source: IANS