India Suffers with Low Awareness about Diabetes

The India Diabetes Research Foundation has come up with various awareness programme. They conduct exhibitions, puppet shows, film shows, seminars, television and radio programmes and publications in leading news papers regarding awareness. They have covered mixed crowed of students of schools and colleges, teachers, software professionals, police personnel and others in awareness camps. There are also flyers, pamphlets, flip books, banners, charts, films and photographs which are used in these programmes.  And there are other awareness camps in and across the country related to diabetes, some with free checkups. Free checks up camps are held in many places on the world Diabetes Day, as per daily

With the increasing cases the attempt to educate people more about diabetes is slowly picking up in the country. However as it is a long and extensive process it will take time and most importantly people suffering with diabetes have to incorporate the ways to keep themselves better informed and keep their diabetes under control, which can be quite a challenge to some.

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