Improve Your HTML5 Experience With These 7 Apps

Bangalore: As the internet takes center-stage, browsers and the user-experience they deliver are becoming increasingly important. This scenario has HTML 5 being hailed as the future of the web, whether for the desktop or on mobile platforms. Along with innovations in JavaScript and CSS, interactive logic is a standard strategy for Web programming, and full-fledged Web apps are everywhere.

At present, the HTML 5 buzz is simply rising. With the availability of apps that can provide techniques to improvise web pages into interactive appliances, IT managers simply love the promising nature of HTML5. With that here are 7 apps that can provide strong insights on how to make the most from HTML5.

#1 Zoho:

One of the best collections available, Zoho has over 33 apps to boost HTML5. From basic productivity apps like word processors to more complex structured database apps which can store customer information along with user and client registers- the list is simply endless.

 Zoho tools mainly rely on Zoho codes and HTML5 specifications, which makes the handling a bit tiresome. Also it completely misses out on HTML5 contentEditable tag. But with all these misses, developers are still satisfied to what Zoho brings to the table.

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