If Santa Claus Was A Techie: 10 Gadgets You Might Get

#7 A supercomputer

Why it's a Santa must-have: Think about it… A million? Nay a billion and more kids; spread around the huge globe; gifts expected by each kid could be specific for the kid; and does the high end computer with multi processing and 8 GB RAM sufficient for the huge task? Nay, but a super high end computer like Supercomputer will be must for Santa’s job.   

#6 A big screen

Why it's a Santa must-have: If Santa has a supercomputer, then, the perfect compliment to it would be a big screen. The big screen not only will complete the super computer, it would be a nice thing to have over the North Pole for Santa and his horde of elves, to carry out their job.  

#5 A calculator

Why it's a Santa must-have: No wonder he’s got a super computer with big screen. But those won’t come handy when he is working on a tough budget and have to bargain over individual gifts—a handy calculator in man purse will do the purpose.