Google's 5 Biggest Blunders

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 13 September 2011, 00:20 IST   |    8 Comments
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2. Not buying twitter:
Google tried to buy Twitter several times
The twitter Google deal was indeed a nonexclusive deal which was announced just hours after Microsoft debuted integration of "tweets" in its own search engine 'Bing.' A post on the official Google blog by Vice President of Search Marissa Mayer explained it: "We believe that our search results and user experience will greatly benefit from the inclusion of this up-to-the-minute data, and we look forward to having a product that showcases how tweets can make search better in the coming months," the post read. "That way, the next time you search for something that can be aided by a real-time observation, say, snow conditions at your favorite ski resort; you'll find tweets from other users who are there and sharing the latest and greatest information." Google tried to buy Twitter several times last year, offering prices between $2.5 and $10 billion, but could not close the deal.