Five ways to exit from an abusive employer

By Binu Paul, SiliconIndia   |   Wednesday, 18 May 2011, 04:44 IST
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Bangalore: Do you feel that your employer deliberately abuses you at work? Are you one of the many who are highly dissatisfied with the arrogant attitude of your boss? Unhappiness at work has very severe economic as well as mental implications on the employees. In this post-recession phase where the job market is steadily improving, more and more jobs becoming available. So you make up your mind and consider the below alternatives to exit your job. 1. Assess Yourself
Take stock of your current situation, skills, immediate plans etc well before you take the final call. Forget how long you been with the organization, whether its 10 days or 10 years. First, you need to update your resume. Then sit back and take a close look at your skills, where will you begin the job search, what could you be hired immediately etc. You need to check and renew your contacts. Above all, its always better that you start with your family, let them know that you are planning a change. You got to be very clear on your abilities and disabilities, should be able to define yourself.

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