Extradited Indian Convicted In U.S. Murder Trial

Saturday, 14 June 2014, 00:23 IST
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He waited for his daughter, Tejasvi, 14, to arrive home from school before ambushing her as she came through the door. Forty minutes later, he attacked his son, Siva Kumar, 12, as he, too, arrived home.

Nerusu, a computer scientist with a master's degree in mathematics, fled to Hyderabad the next day but was arrested in 2013 and extradited back to Michigan to face murder charges.

Nerusu, 46, admitted to the killings, and testified on his own behalf, but said he blacked out and could not recall the details. He admitted he would sometimes slap his wife when they argued and worried that she would call the police.

Defense attorney Lawrence Kaluzny argued Nerusu was insane at the time, but jurors clearly disbelieved that.

The jury deliberated a little more than an hour yesterday after hearing closing arguments, then came back today when they delivered the guilty verdicts after about 15 more minutes of deliberation.

Nerusu had no supporters in the courtroom as he was led away, shackled and surrounded by six Oakland County Deputies.

Kaluzny said the verdict came as no surprise to him or his client.

"I talked with him before and told him what to expect," Kaluzny was quoted as saying. "I did what I could for him."
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Source: PTI