Entrepreneurial Lessons From Ben Affleck

Initially, when an entrepreneur is starting out a venture, he needs all the positive inputs he can get. Ben characterized this process as, “a window through which ideas flow to you and you would be foolish to close it” meaning that, it is very important to acknowledge ideas that people are giving you be it in form of constructive criticism, remarks or even a statement.

#On Leadership

When he began directing his first movie, he found that great people can come up with great ideas but you also have to deal with them differently. He discovered that finding the right balance between taking the back seat and leading from the front makes or breaks a leader’s influence and control – it’s all about shifting gears at the right moment. Ben joked that sometimes when he geared down and let things unfold, he didn’t want his crew to be saying, “Oh crap, he doesn’t know what the he’s doing. We’re on our own.”

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