Enhance Your Social Media Experience With These Chrome Extensions

Evernote Web Clipper: Evernote web clipper would be the best referred tool for those who surf on social media for some information. Be it a piece of write-up, or an article, just paste it into the Evernote Web Clipper and the app add-on saves and organizes the content. The tool helps to edit the information to be posted and published across  other channels.

RiteTag Tag Optimizer: RiteTag is an amazing tool that helps a user to create instant hash tags and schedule it for a future time to be posted. The analytics accompanied with the extension assists and let you know which hashtag is being used the most. With an interactive and user friendly interface RiteTag, Tag Optimizer helps to save time and complete the tasks smarter.

Hootsuite’s ‘Hootlet’: The Hootlet extension along with Google Chrome makes a recommendable tool to harness the potentials of social media. The tool allows users to search for social media content in a way similar to that of Google search. Important information can be highlighted and shared directly or scheduled for a latter time. Twitter searches can also be performed with great ease using the Hootlet extension.

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