Distractions That Make CIOs Go Nuts And Their Remedies

Bangalore: A CIO’s job is truly mercurial when compared to other C-level positions in an enterprise. Although the C-level class is comprised of various positions such as CFO, CMO, COO etc, whose roles in a company are already specified within their designations, the CIO is one unique role where the tasks assigned range anything from deeply understanding a marketing strategy and determining how to best manage complex customer data, to being summoned to the boardroom to fix a broken projector when the directors are in town.

Enterprises know the fact that CIOs are the ones who are expected to understand all the diverse and complex structures and topics in a company, ranging from modern networking to latest malwares and software and even cyber attackers. With this variant and diverse content at hand, it is definite that every CIO may get lost in translation and also easily get distracted. So with that said, here are some top distractions that the CIOs are facing today, along with pin points to overcome them.

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