Dating Lives of CEOs Affect Company Performance

In the early eighties there was an epic saga of William Agee, the CEO of Bendix Corporation, and Mary Cunningham, who was an MBA pass out and who was in her late twenties. Agee and Cunningham got married to each other. And they secretly created a corporate strategy which no one knew about. Finally when the company discovered this, Cunningham was asked to leave. This story could be an exception as many believe that such relationships could be much harmful to the company that they work in.

One of best example for the good relationships thriving in the companies could be that of the multibillionaire, Bill Gates, CEO of Microsoft who wed Melinda French, his marketing executive. Microsoft’s Seattle headquarters has dozen of married couples who met and dated while their 18 hour shifts at work, was written by Stephen Manes, co-author of the book written on Bill Gates.