Can Social media invoke an uprising in India?

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 12 August 2011, 23:29 IST   |    7 Comments
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Similarly the recent riots in London were a bad chapter that was further sparked by these social media tools. However in the same social tools contributed hugely to bring down the city to peace. Volunteers used Twitter and Facebook to help mobilize hundreds of people today to clean up the mess. Using the hashtag riotcleanup and a new Twitter account, @riotcleanup, which gained more than 70,000 followers made coordinated effort that led to hundreds of people pouring into Camden, Clapham Junction, Croydon and other neighborhoods, armed with brooms, shovels, gloves and dustpans. 'It has been an incredible response,' said Dan Thompson, 57, of Worthing, Sussex, who proposed the cleanup idea on his Twitter account.