Boon to Entrepreneurs: SiliconIndia Launches "Investment Banker" Community

SiliconIndia initiated this concept of a community to fill in the gap between entrepreneurial idea and finance to run the thought. Various experts have shared their valuable experiences joining SiliconIndia by sharing their stories as we constantly strive towards making the Indian entrepreneurial eco system strong and effective.

“Startups should carefully introspect and understand themselves and their own business idea thoroughly, before they come out and present to investors. While being ambitious, they should be realistic in their projections, logical in approach and believe in their business idea,” says Rakesh Nangia, Managing Partner, Nangia Capital Advisors.

Gaurav Asthana, Managing Partner, Transjovan Capital Advisors also provides his advice to startups, “A robust business plan needs to be incisive, should address the key investment risk and also highlight the return-generating potential for investors. It should not only mention the strengths and positives but also be transparent about the weaknesses and potential threats.”

Various experienced investment bankers have shared great insights that can help every aspiring entrepreneur to break ice and come forward more confidently. Some of the profiled interviews also carry experiences of few bankers who were once entrepreneurs pitching in for funding. This one stop centre can truly be acclaimed to be a community which can make India a great country for entrepreneurial activities.