Biggest Armies in the World


Created in 1947, the Pakistani armed forces came as a result of independence from the British Empire. They have fought two wars with their neighbor country India in 1947 and in 1965. They have also encountered battles for border with Afghanistan earlier. The Pakistan Armed forces has 617,000 military personnel. Since Indian military has close ties with Russian forces, Pakistan has moved on to making friends with Russia’s rivals China and the United States, to attain its military requirements. Hence, most of Pakistan’s weapons are imported from these two nations. Pakistan’s Army also has an agreement with China to research, develop and enhance its military system.


Egypt is said to have one of the strongest armies in the Middle East, competing Israel for dominance. It is also one of the supreme military forces in Africa, and is the lone Arab state to have a scrutinized satellite. The Egypt defence has a crew of 468,500. Egypt’s Army has provided training and assistance to various African and Arab states. Though the Army has recently begun its modernization with America, Britain and France, it has weapons from all over the world.

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