Best Safari Parks in India

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 21 October 2011, 22:29 IST
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Bangalore: National parks in India , spread across the country, offer a fascinating diversity of terrain, housing large number of rare and giant animal species. The Indian subcontinent boasts of almost 90,000 living species, including 1,250 varieties of birds. India's national park system with its roots in royal Indian hunting grounds became public lands after the departure of the British in 1947. Today, parkland comprises tens of thousands of acres of animal terrain. This weekend let us explore some of the best safari parks in India.
1. Kanha, Madhya Pradesh Kanha National Park is located in Mandla, Madhya Pradesh. The park has a significant population of Royal Bengal tiger, leopards, Barasingha and Indian wild dog. The forests here are vast. Some of the other animal species found in this park are sloth bear, leopard, striped hyena, spotted dear, wild boar, jungle cat, jackal and a variety of monkeys. Over 200 species of birds have been spotted in the park. The park is spread more than 940 sq km in a horse shoe shaped valley bound by the spurs of the Mekal range. Safaris in this park are given on elephants.

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