Anti-Outsourcing Bill Tragets Call Centers

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 21 December 2011, 22:49 IST
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Anti-Outsourcing Bill Tragets Call Centers
Communications Workers of America (CWA) is a union that represents 150,000 call centers in the U.S. and has backed the call center bill strongly. CWA reports that some call centers based in India are likely to face security threats as measures to deter frauds in that place are insufficient. "Why Shipping Call Center Jobs Overseas Hurts Us Back Home" cites several examples of security breaches in concern with outsourced call centers, including India. A trend has come into notice where some rural call centers are moving back to U.S., while some are still trying hard to compete with call centers overseas. It is the usage of broadband connection to conduct call center duties that enables home based workers which is fueling this trend. Putting it in a reverse way, call center outsourcing can create 100,000 U.S. jobs driven by broadband but if the proposed legislation passes the call center jobs are likely to move back to the U.S. The call center bill will probably win the support of the large number of anti-protectionist Republican members of Congress. However, when job creation is a top priority for Republicans and Democrats as the country heads into the 2012 election, the election battle will heat up, so will debates about unemployment, the sliding US economy, and inevitably, outsourcing.