A Sixfold Increase in the Number of U.S. Green Cards Issued to Indians

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 09 August 2013, 00:12 IST
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According to Rakesh Prabhu, immigration practice, ALMT Legal, "They need people with specialized skills who can substantially contribute to the knowledge economy. The large base of Indians with advanced degrees and domain expertise is highly sought after and given preferential treatment".          

This indicates that US does not want to lose its edge over other nations in terms of being the ‘Super Power’.

"The US visa office seeks to use the available visa numbers by the time the fiscal year ends, at the end of September. They don't like to waste numbers. So there could be a new surge (Indians becoming eligible for green cards) in August 2013 and in subsequent months," said Cyrus D Mehta, managing attorney and founder of the New York-based law firm Cyrus D Mehta & Associates, as reported by TNN.

It is also said that 7 percent is the average amount of green cards each country receives. However, in certain cases preference is given to countries with more applicants. Usually it is India, China, Mexico and Philippines with highest number of applicants and the rest of the world are nowhere close to these countries.

"If Congress removes country quotas, it should help Indian citizens. However, it will affect the rest of the world adversely," said Denyse Sabagh, partner in the Philadelphia-headquartered law firm Duane Morris.

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