To be recruited for a high position? Ask for a car

By siliconindia   |   Sunday, 29 November 2009, 18:40 IST   |    15 Comments
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To be recruited for a high position? Ask for a car
Bangalore: After an extensive job search, multiple interviews and job offers, most people make the decision to join a company based purely on the salary they are offered. However, every company provides employees some kind of perks. Hence it is important to understand that there are other factors that you have to consider before taking up a new job, reports iDiva. Here are some important criteria that you need to look at before you make your selection: The reputation: Make sure you select a job that will enhance your resume. This will increase your potential for good job opportunities in the future. "Select a company that has a good background. A good reputation generally means that the company looks after the welfare of its employees," says HR consultant Abhishek Doshi. Fringe benefits: Every company provides employees some kind of perks. Find out if there are any that will be particularly beneficial to you. "These are things offered above and beyond the regular salary. For example, if you are being recruited for a high position, you can ask for a car beforehand. This way you can cut traveling costs," says Doshi. Do not give money and perks preference over what you want to do in life. According to Doshi, family obligations are often an obstacle. "But you should make every effort to take up your dream job when it is offered to you. Doing what you really love is priceless," he says. Scope for growth: Obviously you want your career to go somewhere. This comes from selecting a job that allows growth. "Ask about leadership potential in your interviews. This will provide you with some insight into your future post in the organization," recommends HR consultant Vishwas Patil. Location: Consider public transportation options between your home and prospective workplace. Unless the job is absolutely fantastic, there is no point in taking up a job which is very far from home. You will only be wasting precious time every day. Only after your job fulfills these criteria should you take a decision. Choose the job that will not stagnate your career and will enhance your value in the corporate world.