The Anti-Anna Celebrities

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 03 September 2011, 02:20 IST   |    89 Comments
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It is not only Bollywood celebrities who were against Lokpal, even the well known people from different areas also have issues with Anna's fast unto death movement. Social activists, writers and Politicians questioned Anna's movement. Aruna Roy -- a member of National Campaign for People's Right to Information (NCPRI) claimed that the public support to the ongoing movement was because most of the people did not understand what it really meant.
anti crusaders
Aruna says that Jan Lokpal bill will not help to remove corruption completely. "The Jan Lokpal will take care of an aspect of corruption in governance. It will not take care of complete corruption. It will not really take care of public corruption in different areas," she added. Pointing at Hazare's close aides such as - Kiran Bedi, Prashant Bhushan, Arvind Kejriwal, Shanti Bhushan, she also claimed that Anna Hazare has been ill-advised." Accusing key Anna aide Arvind Kejriwal of hijacking the issue from NCPRI, Roy said, "The Jan Lokpal debate actually came out of a National Campaign for People's Right to Information special meeting convened at Nehru Memorial Museum and Library last year in which NCPRI made Arvind the convener of a group that was to look at the whistleblower's bill and other accountability provisions necessary to stop the killing of RTI activists. This happened sometime in September 2010." "Arvind then broke off and formed the India against Corruption without consultation of the NCPRI or the MKSS, which are my parent bodies. After forming India Against Corruption he wanted us to join India Against Corruption at which point the MKSS made it very clear that we would not join a campaign in which other secular and organizations which have been working for corruption were not members. There were people from religious organizations, she added.