Nasscom sees no job cuts in BPO sector

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 11 December 2008, 16:59 IST
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Bangalore: In response to the reports that BPO industry in India will see 2.5 lakh job losses by the first quarter of 2009, Industry body Nasscom stated that the sector would not face any job losses as result of economic crisis in the U.S. and many developed economies, and will continue to be a net hirer in FY09. In a statement Nasscom said, "Our detailed industry performance and forecast for FY09 will be released in the next fortnight. However, on employment the industry will continue to be a net hirer in FY09 as a direct corollary of industry growth and fears of large scale job losses at an industry level are unfounded." Earlier, Samir Chopra, President, BPO Industry Association had opined that severe job loss is expected in the sector because of recession. "We are going to request for a fiscal package from the Government but if that doesn't happen, then there will be huge amount of losses in terms of manpower. I think a quarter of a million jobs will go," he said last week. Countering Chopra's statement, Vikram Talwar, Executive Chairman of BPO company, EXLService said, "If anything, the pipeline of BPO companies is much stronger than before primarily due to the pressures on companies in the developed economies to cut costs and improve their efficiency."