IMF selects Reveleus solutions

Monday, 10 March 2003, 20:30 IST
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BANGALORE: Reveleus, a business of I-flex Solutions, Monday announced that the International Monetary Fund (IMF), has selected its business intelligence and data warehouse technology offering for the design and implementation of a data warehouse to ease information access and management challenges for its Treasury department. As part of the solution, the IMF will implement Reveleus pre-built business analytics for a more thorough analysis of information in its liquidity planning, financial forecasting and reporting functions. Reveleus’ unique metadata-driven technology platform will ensure the IMF has a holistic view of the information within its systems, the company claimed in a press release. Reveleus’ data warehouse and pre-built analytics will address the IMF’s current business and technical information consistency challenges. With Reveleus, the IMF will eliminate the need for multiple databases and correspondingly reduce data management and maintenance needs. IMF is already implementing i-flex’s flagship product FLEXCUBE to streamline operations in the areas of Lending, Deposits and Financial Accounting. The combination of the technologies will allow IMF to directly meet business and end user requirements. As an authority to the world economy, it is essential that the IMF provide decision makers with uniform, consistent data. Reveleus technology allows organizations to break down the information silos, ensuring that business users will get a consistent and accurate view of operations. "Reveleus will play a key role in helping the IMF emulate the financial industry’s best business practices through the modernization of the IT system that supports its core business processes and functions," said S. Ramakrishnan, CEO of i-flex’s Reveleus division. "The IMF win is a key example of how Reveleus’ financial services domain expertise and innovative technology combine to help financial institutions solve critical cost, data consistency and risk problems.” The IMF will implement the following Reveleus analytical applications: Reveleus Risk Management, Reveleus Enterprise Financial Performance and Reveleus Asset Liability Management. These applications allow business users to analyze critical business information using common business terms and concepts. Additional benefits of Reveleus analytics include improved income planning and tracking, proactive management and measurement of liquidity planning and the creation and evaluation of multiple “what if” scenarios for more accurate asset liability management. IMF is an international organization of 184 member countries established to help promote the health of the world economy. Its main areas of activity involve surveillance of economic and financial policies of members and financial and technical assistance to meet the needs of an evolving world economy.
Source: IANS