Firefox 9 Beta for Tablets and PCs: Faster, Efficient and Enhanced

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 21 December 2011, 03:26 IST
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Bangalore: The Firefox upgrading story continues through its newly released Firefox 9 Beta. The best part about this new version is the fresh web-browsing experience which is enabled through a brand new TI (Type Interface) which indirectly improves the JavaScript performance.

People having MAC OS X Lion will now be more integrated with the in-browser as Firefox 9 Beta supports more application toolbar and icon styles. They will also have the facility to do two-finger swipe navigation with this new browser. It’s “Do not Track” privacy feature has earned a spotlight.

The Android version of Firefox 9 Beta utilizes the tablets large screen optimally while browsing. New action bars are included which enable quick action to Firefox preferences. HTML 5 input tags are enabled in order to makes Firefox 9 Beta more efficient with camera functionality.

When compared to other big players in this domain like Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari Firefox showcases a more relied appearance as users say that its more private and its doesn’t make all their content go public. The Firefox 9 Beta is robust enough but not safe for users who are novice to Firefox.  A backup is advised before installing Beta in your system or Smartphone.