Big-eared Obama got bullied as kid

Saturday, 12 March 2011, 09:53 IST
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Big-eared Obama got bullied as kid
Washington: With big ears and the name that he has, US President Barack Obama says he too was a victim of bullying as a young student. "I have to say, with big ears and the name that I have, I wasn't immune. I didn't emerge unscathed," he told teachers, parents and government officials Thursday at a White House Conference on Bullying Prevention. Obama mentioned several anti-bullying efforts under way in Washington, including the new website and initiatives by the Department of Education to get anti-bullying programmes up and running in US schools. The president stressed that kids, parents and schools shouldn't approach bullying as business-as-usual. "Because it's something that happens a lot, and it's something that's always been around, sometimes we've turned a blind eye to the problem. We've said, 'kids will be kids.' And so sometimes we overlook the real damage that bullying can do," he said.
Source: IANS